Game Logo with concept illustration as background. Illustrtaion shows the beginning of the Game where the protagonst becomes starts in afuturistic temple  a bow and a cute flying roboter guides the player to the shrine.

UI/UX Design
Third Semester Game

For the third Semester project at the S4G I worked on Hooked and was in chareg for the UI/UX Design.

Hooked is a first Person Puzzle game in which you are an explorer, traveling through space, looking for new adventures.

Inside an ancient alien temple you find a bow shooting grappling hook arrows, which you use to solve your puzzles and for moving through the temple.

You can find our game here

Our Art Team wanted to create a look that combines scifi/tech elements with minimalistic art deco elements, whom are therefore featured strongly in the UI Elements.

Game Trailer

Gif showing Wireframes of all Screens and transitions slowly into the full colored Mockup of them.

Wireframe to UI Mockup

Showcase of the final In-Game Screens

Game HUD Animations: Ability Icons, Crosshair with indicators on how many arrows are shot, and the shooting distance.
Score Animations when shooting on destructable objects

Overview of different UI sketches and how the final Assets turned out. Showcased are the abbility icons, the cursor, the crosshair, the game and team logo.

Some sketches/Iterations of different Logo and UI Elements

Different further UI Assets are showcased like the background for pause menu and dialog box, some art deco inspired borders and the vector frames for the bow animation in the loading screen.

Dialog Box, Pause Menu and other decorative elements. Vector graphic bow for the loading screen animation.



