Self portrait Drawing of Raja.

I'm Raja Kabierski (she/her)
a Game UI/UX Designer and 2d Artist living in Berlin.

Like many artists I drew as long as I can remember. The same also applies to playing videogames. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that had an SNES and gifted me my first Gameboy and Pokemon Yellow when I was 6. Thus, the wish to become an Artist and Game developer started already back then. As a teenager I also started teaching myself how to use Gimp and Photoshop later as well and did all sorts of Graphic Design projects as a hobby and for friends.

During my Game Graphics studies I had the opportunity to work on 3 Game projects in different teams with different departements and discovered my love for UI/UX Design.
The interdisciplinary combination of graphic design, tech and psychology combines many of my interests. Thus i found immediate enjoyment in creating UI/UX for video games.

I work dilligently and analytically and always try my best to contribute to an empathetic work environment.
The field of UI/UX is broad and I'm happy to constantly learn and challenge myself. I'm eager to create inclusive and accessible Designs.

Currently, I am open for work. Feel free to contact me, I can help you at any stage of your UI/UX pipeline, from first Idea to Implementation to user testing. You can also contact me, if you just generally want to chat about UI/UX and Video Games. I'm also open to provide Game UI/UX design related feedback, especially for students and hobby game dev teams.

Reach out to me and write me an email:


Runner up Ubisoft Game Together Award 2022 for the student project Hooked with my Team Hivemind Interactive