Background withone half pastel colored flower illsutration pattern and the other half a light blue shade. On top the Game logo in mint with white text and round outlines.

UI/UX Design | Art
Personal Project

Flos is a current game idea I work on with my partner.

Flos will be a flower puzzle game, in which you get flower cards as tiles. The goal is to fill the tile map and score points.

My goal is to create a colorful yet asthetic pleasing look with round wonky shapes. This is something I wanted to try out in a little game for a long time.

Mockup of the Main Menu, Level Settings, Level Screens.

Screen Mockup

Mockup of the Credits and Settings Screens.

Screen Mockup

Screenflow showcasing all Screens.


Wireframe in Greyscale of all Game Screens



Dragon Age Origins Redesign

