
Pixel Tilesets | 2D VFX
Second Semester Project

My Second Semester Project at S4G was Foxbox.

Foxbox is a 2D Local Co-Op Platformer for up to two players, about a fox and a squirrel working together to overcome obstacles on their journey to find their friends, the hidden animals of the forest.

My task were creating our pixel art tilesets for the levels, adjusting and overworking lighting, as wells as minor vfx tasks like creating particle effects for hidden animals and glow effects for Biome B. I worked closely together with our Level Designer. For this project, I also had the opportunity to work woth pixel art normal map workflows. Even though we did not end up using it in our game, it was a great learning experience.

You can download the game here and learn more about the team.

Game Trailer

Pixel Tiles for the Forest Level. Flowers, Rocks, Water, Stone cliffs with moss.

Tilesets for Biome A and Water Tiles for both Biomes

More Pixel Tilesets. Trees and Branches, Stone Plattforms, Bars.

Tree Tiles for Biome A and Ground and Plattform tiles for Biome B

Glow for Biome B props and water animation in action

Particle Effect for finding hidden animals




Calamidad Dorada