Calamidad Dorada

Art Direction | UI/UX Design | 2D Art
First Semester Project

During my first Semester at School for Games I was part of a team, that created Calamidad Dorada, a decision-based riddle game with resource elements. In Calamidad Dorada you play as a spanish shipcrew returning to Spain from their endeavors with their stolen goods. Yet, under their stolen treasures is a cursed Artifact. You as the player need to find out, which artefact is the cursed one, to bring your party safely back to their home port.

I was in charge with Art Direction and UI/UX. Finding a style that suited our 2d and 3d artist was a challenging, yet really fun experience. The game offers a lot of dialogue and event scenes, and thus I had the pleasure to create a lot of UI art.

It was the first game I developed, and thus also the first in which I did UI. You can download the game here.

Two Screenshots of the Game. Showing a dialog with a crew mate and the logbook Menu.

Ingame Screenshot: Left - Dialogue with a crewmate;
Right - Logbook for notes and summary of what the companions told you durin the day

Two more In-Game Screenshots. Left the Artifact Menu, on the right the intro scene.

Ingame Screenshot: Left - Artifact Menu; Right - Intro Scene

All UI Assets showcased. A lot of gold and paper textures for dialog boxes and artifact menu fe. Character Portraits and Artifacts are drawn in a comic style with heavy black outlines.

All UI Elements and the logo I created for the game




Port Bounty