Dragon Age Origins Redesign

The title Dragon Age Origins and the Subtitle: UI Redesign Mobile are presented on a paper textured brown background. The subtitle on a green banner.

UI Redesign for a mobile game version
Final Thesis

For my final thesis for my Game Art Degree at S4G I created a Dragon Age Origins Redesign for Mobile. My goal was to create a high-fidelity mock-up of 3 In-Game menu screens. With my time frame for the thesis in mind, I focussed on redesigning the ability screen, the inventory screen and the character screen. The wireframes and the click-dummy are finalized directly in-engine in Unity. I also planned with the other Menu Screens in mind and thought about, how to adapt them more compact for mobile.

For the Click-dummy I challenged myself in using visual scripting and do-tween in combination for the first time, as well as testing directly on mobile with Unity remote.

It was important to me to analyze shared UI language through all of the Dragon Age IP to create a UI, that could be seamlessly integrated into the Dragon Age Universe.

This work is a love statement from me to my favourite Game series and thus it was an honor to be able to write my thesis about Dragon Age.

Unity Clickdummy tested on Mobile Phone with Unity Remote.

Wireframe to Final Character Overview - Both implemented in Unity.

Final UI Screen of the Character Overview with all created UI Assets.

Character Overview

Wireframe of the Character Overview in greyscale.

Character Overview- Wireframe

On the left side the Wireframes of the Weapons and Items screens and on the right side the final version as comparison.

Weapons and Items - Wireframe and Final version

On the left side the Wireframes of the Statistics and Skilltree screens and on the right side the final version as comparison.

Statistics and Skilltree - Wireframe and Final version

Overview of all created buttons and icon assets for the Screens.

Overview of all Icons and Buttons



