Art Gallery App

Thumbnail with mockups of the finished app. Text reads: Google UX Certificate - Project 1. The text below says: UI/UX Case Study, Art Gallery App.

Art Gallery App
Google UX Certificate Project 1

This app is a fictive product for an art gallery. The main design goals were to give users the ability to save important details like artists and events that they are interested in, while not being overwhelming.


My role was UI/UX Designer, designing an app for the art gallery including conception, user testing and high fidelity prototype. I created and tested the flow of adding a releveant art show to the user profile.

Mockup of the finished app. Two phones are showcased, one with the home screen and the second with the gallery exhibition overview screen.

Problem Statement

Information about exhibitions, artist and art gallery events, that take place or are upcoming, are hard to remember and presented too overwhelmingly.


Help gallery visitors have a better overview about exhibitions and events, that take place and give them the opportunity to save interesting exhibitions, events and artist.

Video of the final Prototype

Design Process

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users and their needs I am designing for. A primary user group were adults that visit galleries, museums, etc.

A primary motivator for the users was that they want to make an informed and fast decision on which events and exhibitions are of interest to them. Since most of them have other responsibilities like work or family they only have limited time for deciding which exhibition to visit.

Based on my research I ideated ideas via exercises like “how might we” and storyboards (close-up and big picture). Furthermore, I conducted a competitive audit to further define what I want to achieve with the art gallery app.

Big Picture Storybaord for the art gallery app. Showing 6 pictures of the persona Jane and how she wants to decide if an exhibition is wort it going to and that she would love to know more about the artist and tehn downloads the app.

Big Picture Storyboard

Next, I started the sketching process for the wireframes. I created a LoFi prototype for testing. I conducted two user experience test rounds with 3 people each, one using the LoFi prototype and one with the HiFI prototype.

6 Sketches in a sketchbook for the Wireframes of the app.

Wireframe sketch iterations for the Home Screen

Round 1 findings:
- The app needs a clearer indicator where the exhibition button is
- The app needs more indicators for selecting a single exhibition
- The hamburger menu needs to be functional in the whole prototype

Round 2 findings:
- The Back home button for ending the user flow could not be found
- The exhibitions in the home screen where not recognized by all users as interactable items

Final Wireframe Screens as Mockups. Showcasing the Home, Exhibitions, Single Exhibitions and save screen as well as a pop up for addign the save to the profile.

Mockup: final Wireframes

Accesibility Considerations

- I give users the opportunity to save information to find them again
- I use icons to support navigation.
- I useof images and reduce the amount of text to support all users in finding information faster


The users found the app easy to follow through and visually pleasing.

One quote from the peer feedback:
“I would love to have a save feature for all art galleries in the real world. Remembering and going through all exhibitions is less tedious with this app.”

Final Hi-fi Screens as Mockups. Showcasing the Home, Exhibitions, Single Exhibitions and save screen as well as a pop up for addign the save to the profile.

Mockup: final Hi-fi Screens
Prototype for Smartphone

What I learned

I learned new methods for ideating ideas, such as “crazy eights”, “storyboarding” and the “how might we” exercise and learned about competitive audits. I also conducted my first in-person UX study. These helped to really empathize with the user, and in implementing feedback which highlighted the importance of many iterations.


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