Mentoring Website and App

Thumbnail showing mockup screens for smartphone and tablet version. Text reads: Google UX certificate - project 3. UI/UX Case Study: Responsive Mentoring Website + App

Mentoring Website and App
Google UX Certificate Project 3

The Product is a Mentoring Website and App for graduates to find Mentors who help them with finding their first job or give other wished advices.


My role was UI/UX Designer, creating the app and responsive website. I was responsible for conception, user testing and the creation a high fidelity prototype. Due to the time scope I focussed on the mockup and testing of the feature of booking a service from a suitable mentor.

Mockup showing the home screen version for tablet, smartphone andpc

Problem Statement

Graduates, who are having a hard time switching from university into jobs and who are missing guidance and advice for job applications, as well as what will be expected of them in the working field they graduated in.


Connecting graduates with Mentors working in their desired jobs and booking different Mentor Services from them.

Video of the final Smartphone Prototype

Design Process

I started with creating personas, user stories, and user journey maps. Then, I condensed my findings into a problem statement. Next, I created a competitive audit, did initial sketching for my mobile app, built a LoFi prototype for user testing and finished with implementing the findings into a HiFi prototype in Figma.

I conducted research on what is important for graduates that seek out a mentorship. Based on my research I created personas and created a LoFi prototype for testing.

Wireframes for 5 Screesn of the Smartphone App. Shwoing Home, find amentor, mentor page, formular for requesting a service, and filled out formular screens.

Wireframes for Smartphone Version
Lo-fi Prototype for Smartphone App

The usability study was an unmoderated study with 4 participants, all of them graduates. The study consisted of the LoFi prototype for testing and a questionnaire with 8 questions.

My findings were:
- All testers confirmed that they deem a mentoring page and app for graduates useful.
- All testers were able to navigate through the prototype and complete the user flow of booking a mentoring service
- 2 participants felt positive using the app, 1 confident and 1 indifferent
- 1 participant wished for more features to test, as they enjoyed the prototype
- 1 participant confirmed at the end of the study, that the user flow was easy to understand and use via the additional feedback participants could give

Accesibility Considerations

- I provide users with the opportunity to save mentor profiles to help them find information again
- I add tags for an easier overview of the mentor skills
- I use icons to support navigation


The users found the app useful and easy to follow:
“The idea is really cool, and I was intrigued to see even more 'features' aka design elements and how they would look like. The prototype is really engaging, straightforward and makes you want to try out everything.”

Mockups for finished screens for smartphone, tablet and desktop version. Showing all Screens in comparison to each other.

High fidelity of smartphone, tablet and desktop version

More Mockups for finished screens for smartphone, tablet and desktop version. Showing all Screens in comparison to each other.

High fidelity of smartphone, tablet and desktop version

What I learned

In this project I learned to design an app and a corresponding responsive website in tandem using a workflow consisting of multiple iterative steps. The process included 5 different stages as recommended in the Google UX Certificate: Understand, ideate, decide, protoype, test. All of these steps helped in designing with the user in mind, while creating a useable and thematically fitting UI for website and app. It helped me to further deepen my already existing knowledge in User Research and UI/UX Design and in refining my workflow.


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